03 January 2011

My Ode To Winter

Dearest Winter,
How I loathe thee!
Sometimes I wish you didn't exist.
Winter, why is it you are so cold?
Winter, why is it you are so dry?
Dearest Winter,
How I loathe thee!
Sometimes I think you like to torment.
Winter, why is it that I slide on ice?
Winter, why is it I'd rather hide.
Dearest Winter,
How I loathe thee...
Oh look a beautiful little snowflake...
Picture from weheartit.com
But, I don't want to touch it.
It is so pretty to look at...
Dearest Winter,
How I tolerate thee.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. whoops, that first comment was me. i posted, apparently, as the women's blog, then deleted it and forgot to come back with my own sign in.

    still not signed in as me, even though i thought i was. haha

    but i wanted to tell you i like your Ode to Winter. very nice.
