I told someone at church the other day, that I have been bored at home. This boredom has helped me keep up with blogging, paint my nails in funky colors and designs, work on guest posts and crafts, and do some light baking. She must have prayed for me to stay busy so as not to be lazy. Well, whatever it is, I have been quite busy. I have to make about 3 dozen cupcakes for tonight's church event (basically wednesday nights are starting up and we're having a youth party to celebrate back to school.) After I bake cupcakes I have to get to work. I work until 4, then I have a breather before church. I haven't neglected my blog or been lazy. Just busy with the outside world, that I don't talk about much. I need to start being more personal with my blog again. I tend to enjoy writing in it more...
In my bible reading this month, I've been working on Proverbs. Proverbs is a great book in the bible of wisdom. This book has challenged me to ask for wisdom daily from God. I can't believe I will be done with Proverbs soon. I've been trying to figure out what I should read next. I finished the New Testament earlier this year, and if I read more than 4 chapters a day, I should be able to get through the Old Testament by New Years!
In other news, I've been trying to give my two weeks at one of my jobs, but every time I go in, they basically send me out and tell me they will do whatever they can to keep me because I'm such a good employee. It's interesting how you don't feel appreciated until you've begged for attention.
I recently worked on a poster for my Saturday Night Service for church. It's not my best work, but since I don't have access to photoshop or other adobe products, I did with it what I could.
I need to be more deliberate with my applications. I've taken a bit of a hiatus. But, I need to spend at least a half an hour everyday on either applications or the GRE! It's stressful to think about, so I avoid it. I need to work on that.
In other news, my CW shows started this week! I was super excited about this until I realized it takes a week for them to show up on the website (I don't have cable). So, I will patiently wait for next week, while I catch up on Parenthood, and watch old episodes of Everwood that I've borrowed from the library.
I think this is a lot, but this is a more personal side of me! Expect scheduled posts soon. Tomorrow I will have time to bang out a few posts for upcoming weeks!
Have a blessed day!