My writing must be getting better. My co-worker said she read my whole post. Woohoo.
It's funny to me that people would actually want to read what I say, but in the end. I'm not writing it to please man, but because it is the best outlet for my creativity...
And what would you know, creativity is my topic of the day.
If you don't personally know me, I'd like to let you know that I am a crafter/sewer/baker/writer/musician/singer... You know, a creative. But, this is starting to get out of hand.
Because... I want to put my hand into everything! It's not enough that I'm crocheting a blanket for my mom (which should be done shortly, mom). 1 1/2 years later, I'm still working on that blanket.
It's not enough that I want to sew clothes, but I own 3 "how to sew" books, countless patterns, and no clothes.
I was vegan for a hot second, and I have a small cookbook collection to prove it. I've made maybe 2 things?
It's not enough that I have not one but two "project life" albums that are empty with many trips down the scrapbook aisle once a month (no I don't buy, I just look).
It's not enough that my poor pinterest diy board is filled to the brim with wonderful projects, not one have I tackled.
It's not enough that I bought a rather expensive guitar this summer, but it's been collecting dust for the past 4 months.
Do you get the picture? I'm wanting to be everywhere, without a compass or a guide. I spend hours, yes hours browsing the aisles of Michaels, Joanns, and Hobby Lobby. I don't usually buy anything, but I'm excited about all the crafting/baking I will some day do.
I think I need some help.
the act of finding or learning something for the first time : the act of discovering something.
I've discovered that I'm doing too much.
I've discovered that spending too much time on everything, gives me time for nothing.
I've discovered that I spend more time planning to do something, then actually doing it.
Miriam Webster defines contentment as:
the state of being happy and satisfied : the state of being content.
I've found I'm always putting off a project just because I'm too stressed to work on it.
I've found that I think I would be happier if I were "Martha Stewart."
Miriam Webster defines simplicity as:
the quality of being understand or use : something that is simple or ordinary but enjoyable
the quality of being understand or use : something that is simple or ordinary but enjoyable
I've uncovered that I need to pull back and work on specific things.
I've uncovered that my spending on future projects far exceed the completed projects.
I've discovered that my creativity is stinted because I have the lack of motivation (I'm not content) and have overcomplicated my entire creative process.
Steps to recovery:
1. Evaluate all my current projects.
2. Evaluate how I should go about accomplishing them.
3. Before adding a new project, make sure I'm ready to take time away from old ones.
4. Research to make sure I'm ready to invest in something new.
Just four today. That seems pretty simple!
If you've missed my posts so far check them out:
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