14 July 2013


Reading: Anything. It's part of the Good Morning Girls summer Bible study. It's good, intense. The kind of intense that makes you rethink who you are really living for...

Watching: Just got back from vacation, and there was cable in the room. So, I watched a lot of Food Network, until the family couldn't take it being on anymore. I'm also digesting Suits. I'm currently on season 2. So good. I would like to comment that there is language involved in this show. Probably not on the actual USA network, but on Amazon Prime it is in there.

Listening: I need some new suggestions for worship music. I'm open for suggestions!

Wishing: Not sure what to put here, since I'm not really wishing for anything at the moment.

Thinking: That I move in 2 weeks! What? And that the house sold.

Praying: My friend Megan, Cambodia, and for peace during our move!

Browsing: Pinterest and Bloglovin of course!

Sipping: half coffee half hot chocolate

Eating: minimally, it's so hot. I'm not as hungry in the summer.

What are you CURRENTLY doing?

Check out my instagram for more of my week!

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