11 November 2011

25 Before 26


  1. Create a work space in my room so that I can: Spend time with God Effectively, Craft Efficiently, Sew Effortlessly, and Read Easily.
  2. Not waste time during my days wishing for things, but actually making them happen.
  3. Spend daily time with God in prayer and Bible reading.
  4. Read the Bible in a Year  or less (I was so close to my goal last year)
  5. Keep my life clean of distractions, my room and car free of clutter, and my workspaces not littered with chaos.
  6.  Be out of the red and the $$ in my savings to grow tremendously.
  7. Start a journal and write in it with honest updates (at least once a week)
  8. Work on a diet plan and stick with it even when it is hard and inconvenient. (Vegetarian/Vegan)
  9. Keep a water bottle on my person at all times and go for water before I grab a snack.
  10. Exercise for a minimum of 30 minutes a day, there is no excuse for a flabby-out of shape-overweight body!
  11. Create playlists of music for different parts of my day to motivate me in my tasks whether it is: cleaning, working out, spending time with God, doing the dishes, sewing/crafting.
  12. Finish projects that I start.
  13. Learn how to crochet and share what I learn.
  14. Learn how to play the guitar proficiently, so that I may play at church.
  15. Schedule "me time" once a week where there will be: no cell phone, no distractions, a time for pampering, or leisure.
  16. Participate in some sort of club, guild, running group, etc. (something that takes me out of my comfort zone.
  17. Read at least 100 pages a week.
  18. Start photographing 50 photos a week via fisheye camera, cell phone, ipod, and digital.
  19. Purge my life of unnecessary things. Tangible and intangible. 
  20. Respond promptly to emails, rsvps, and letters and pay all bills before due, as well as return calls and library books promptly.
  21. Write lists and finish them in a productive manner.
  22. Learn how to knit and share what I learn.
  23. Use my sewing machine constantly to make clothes, gifts, and to re-create items.
  24. Create a wardrobe that reflects my style and the style I want have.
  25. Make new traditions and memories!

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